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Training in the basics of Scrum based on XP Game. Participants will gain the necessary knowledge to start work in Scrum. During the training, a modified XP Game is conducted. Game support understanding the principles of Scrum and the relationship between the individual roles in Scrum. 

Level: basic to intermediate

Participants: developers, testers, project managers, team leaders
Content: theory: 20%, discussion: 30%, exercises: 40%, feedback: 10%
Trainers: up to 3
Max people per trainer: 8
Duration: 1 day (min 4h)
Prerequisites: none


Scrum Game provides participants with out of sight experience while participating in the real agile project. Planning, estimating and delivering tasks together with other team members.


Training is based on agile approach and consists of:

  • Introduction

  • Iteration 1

  • Iteration 2

  • Iteration 3

  • Case study

  • Retrospection

  • Summary

Every iteration allows participants to practically use and discuss agile approach. It consists of three main parts: development, debriefing, and theory. Development part introduces complete lifecycle: requirement analysis, planning, prioritization, development and acceptance. Debriefing allows discussion of completed work when theory shows the link between work done and defined process.

Exercises are led in small groups working directly with the dedicated trainer. It is a possibility to discuss real-life situations and share project experience. The ultimate goal of the game is to achieve the highest revenue measured in business value, which introduces competition between teams.

During the game, participants have a rare possibility to exchange experience and feel agile from different perspectives and responsibilities: development team and customer.Iterations are followed by case study which presents real example how agile can be introduced and works in large organization. It describes encountered environment, goal, encountered problems and proposed agile solution with achieved results.

Last part of the training is an introduction to retrospection, its goal and role in agile process. In order to see it at work, small retrospection is done with participants. Goal of the retrospection is to receive feedback on the workshop and possibilities to improve it.

Training is completed with Q&A sessions.

Training is based on XP Game gramework developed by Vera Peeters (Tryx) and Pascal Van Cauwenberghe (Nayima).


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